How many iterations of this blog will there be?

Garden Gone Wild


We had a visitor recently who came with out his wife and gushed how she will be sorry she missed my garden. He took a photo similar to this and I have to wonder. Will she be impressed, or just see the mess?

But all is not chaos, if you just take the plants individually.ImageImageImage

My neighbor gave me a bunch of gorgeous snapdragons. Of course they weren’t blooming yet when I got them, so they are place with no particular artistry connecting them to their surroundings.


I have been trying, but can’t seem to capture the loveliness of this Dahlia. I took some pix in the evening and morning, but this is the best one out of a dozen.


I tried to capture the amazing glow this yellow Dahlia has. Check it out.



I’ve had this creeping winter berry for years, but I had put it in an out of the way spot, some what idiotically thinking it had the best exposure for it. It may get more sun here, but it doesn’t seem to mind. The thing about this plant is supposed to be it’s red berries in the winter, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the smaller, simpler blooms.


My neighbor was very vague about what what this plant was when she gave it to me. I thought it might be some sort of romaine as it was growing, but after chewing on the bitter leaf, I wondered what it could be.


Turns out it’s a blessed Double Poppy!


I wonder if there are a bunch of poppy seeds in here.


I love the way these liatiris look as they get started, but it’s been tough to get a good pic. This is the best so far…


And to end the day, I was visited by this cool dragonfly!

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